Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

068: A Woman’s Ego with Arielle Brown

April 18, 2017

Last week's show, "A Man's Ego", was one of my favorite shows I've done. It was an edgy, uncomfortable, informative and carried a lot of sensation. I felt a LOT of wisdom came out.

I immediately wanted to do a follow up show on a "Woman's Ego" but then felt that I need some help. I felt if it was purely my viewpoints, they would probably come across as chauvinistic. This is not my intent. So, I immediately imagined my good friend and colleague, Arielle Brown, and I doing it together.

There is only one way to describe Arielle. She's a badass. She is eloquent, smart and powerful. Check out her history at www.ariellebrown.com/music-magic/. I'm excited to see what wants to arise from this conversation.

Arielle's Bio: Arielle is a Group Facilitator an Relationship Coach. She has woven together a B.A. in Clinical Psychology with a Certification in Eating Psychology Coaching, a Certification in Intimacy & Relationship Coaching, and a Certification in Transformational Leadership.

These trainings and experiences have become a highly unique and cohesive approach to helping others to embrace their authentic selves and live from their Essence. She also offers private coaching to those who seek deeper work of this nature. Learn more at www.ariellebrown.com