Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

050: #TruthMoment

November 10, 2016

One trip a few months ago, I was looking at my phone and saw the name of a FB crush. We were friends, connected, I tended to LIKE her posts, and check out her profile pics. I realized that in this lifetime, she would NEVER know that I had a crush on her.

The next moment, in my altered state, i realized the depth of how I was not only robbing myself of knowing her but that I was robbing her of knowing me. I had nothing to lose.

I ran upstairs and told Morgan about this concept. These moments of life where we realize we want to tell someone the truth and FEAR takes over. We came up with the concept of #TruthMoment.

Now... I did a search on Twitter and realized that #TruthMoment is not an original thought. So, let's give credit where its due. However, is a new concept for me and Tuff Love.

So this week, we discuss the concept of HOW to tell an intense truth to your friends, partners and FB crushes.

The #TruthMoment Practice

Get agreement from the Participants that they wish to engage in the Practice
Agree on a time-limit for the practice (e.g. a day, a week, a month)
Relay to your partner that you have a #TruthMoment (in-person preferred, other communication techniques acceptable. "TruthMoment?"
Your partner says "YES" or "NO" (either totally acceptable answer)
As quickly as possible, deliver the #TruthMoment
The partner says "Thank you"
The partner MAY NOT RESPOND to the #TruthMoment for a minimum of 30 minutes
Either partner may deliver another #TruthMoment or respond to the one delivered