Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

036: Authenticity with Kendra Cunov

July 28, 2016

: real or genuine : not copied or false
: true and accurate

its a simple word really... authenticity. Just be real, right. Easy? Right? Well.. no, its not so easy. In matter of fact, its f'in hard to be authentic in this world because the world rarely rewards you if you are truly who you are.

> Want to talk to that attractive guy across the room? Gotta look cool.
> Want to wear those comfy very out-of-fashion jeans and birkenstocks? No way.
> Want to go art to school and not your parents dream of med school? Going to be a rough ride.

Or do you want to reveal yourself to your partner. The real you? The kinky you? The dirty, nasty, bad bad bay you? You better be careful.

In this call, I invite my old friend Kendra Cunov (met her in 1999!) who was an integral creator of AuthenticSF and Circling. She is now a full-time coach, teacher and bad-ass mother in Northern California. Please check out her website at www.kendracunov.com.