Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

029: Start with Why for Better Results

June 02, 2016

The first time I saw Simon Sinek's presentation "Starts with Why", I was blown away. I saw the wisdom in his words and his eloquent way of explaining a new paradigm of how to approach business and life. It has become the first thing I often discuss with clients about the expansion in their lives.

Now, this is happening for me. With Tuff Love. This started off a "f&*K you" to the process of holding workshops. I was so sick of doing the same thing over and over again to get people to listen to my rants. So, I just figured i would do it for free.

Its been over 6 months. What do I want with this show? What do I truly want with my life? They are tied in on some level.

Come listen as we figure it out together.