Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

026: Mother’s Day

May 05, 2016

I once read a "joke" on Facebook that your parents know how to push your buttons because they are the ones who installed them.

My mother, Netta Kandell, was born into a different time, raised to abide by certain rules, and be "act" like a woman of her times. Then, the 70's happened. One of most vivid memories was when i was 7, in 1977, and my mom telling me that she was going back to school to get her Master's Degree in Nursing. My egotisical "prince Robbie" self was aghast with separation anxiety. Wasn't she here to serve me?

The lesson I learned from my Mom that day was that she was going against the "housewife" status quo and taking steps to fulfill herself. It started then i suspect and has continued until this day. My Mom knows what she wants and she goes for it. Leaving New York, living on a side of a mountain in Grass Valley, California, fighting breast cancer, and finding spirituality through it all.

Then, there was me, and my wild ride of 30's and 40's where i went against the grain of my family, society, and their approval to find my own path.

This week we bring her on the show where i'll interview her on her views, ideas, and wisdom on how to live a happy, healthy life.