Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

Tuff Love with Robert Kandell

007: The Tyranny of “I Don’t Know”

February 07, 2016

Welcome to Tuff Love, week seven, a live call from lovely Venice, California with me Rob Kandell. A man who just plain cares! This week we continue our attempt to spread love and harmony throughout the world with intense, raw truth on topics of love, communication, relationship and sex.

The Rant of this week is about the “Tryanny of I don’t know” which is something I see a lot in my coaching practice. Its not that you NEED to know everything but most people will default to IDK because they don’t want to do the work to dig in and really explore the topic at hand.

We then answer a question about how to self-love. Again, this topic of looking inside to find that validation you need instead of external resources.

We then travel across the pond again to chat w/ Elvis and Jo for our first group coaching session. He says he gets triggered when he feels disconnected. I say “bullshit” and we dig into deep and find out its just a little kink in their relationship and their communication. Find out what happens as both of them participate in this fun coaching call.

We finish up with a chat bout the difference between I don’t know and surrender.

It’s the fastest 40 minutes of my week. Please support this podcast by sending your own love via paypal to paypal@kandellconsulting.com.

For more shows, please visit TuffLove.live! Thanks for listening and now we’ll join our show.