The Social Voice Project

The Social Voice Project

Veteran Voices: The Oral History Podcast – Episode 37

April 01, 2017

Eric Rood | Veteran Aviator Oral Histories 
On Episode 37 of Veteran Voices: The Oral History Podcast, we talk about recording veterans oral histories in the world of aviation with Eric Rood of the Experimental Aircraft Association's Timeless Voices of Aviation project.


Eric Rood of Columbus, Ohio has been capturing, preserving, and sharing veterans’ stories since 2006.  In addition to recording locally, each year Eric travels to the Experimental Aviation Association’s annual convention in Oshkosh, Wisconsin to interview veteran aviators—on the fly, so to speak.

Being at Oshkosh working with EAA's Timeless Voices of Aviation project is a wonderful experience for any oral historian or aviation enthusiast (Eric is a pilot, himself), but it is a technical challenge to record so many interviews in such a short period of time.  But, he admits, preserving these stories is our obligation to history and a tribute to our veterans' service—especially our WWII veterans.

Producer's Note: Nick Grimes is the host of Longest War: The Post-9/11 Veterans Podcast and a combat Army veteran of Afghanistan.

This episode was recorded at the Allegheny-Kiski Valley Historical Society and Heritage Museum in Tarentum, Pennsylvania. It is a production of The Social Voice Podcast Network. Host: Kevin Farkas. Audiography: Kevin Farkas. Music (available on John892 (“Despair”) Abbey Fiddler (“Hatchet D”), Zippo for Wisdom ("Japanese Gal Riddim"). ©Veteran Voices: The Oral History Podcast/The Social Voice Project, Inc.  All rights reserved.



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