The Click & Convert Podcast

The Click & Convert Podcast

Why Your Online Course Is Not Selling

June 24, 2017

On this week’s show Rob Tyson, former co-host, pays us a visit. Rob has been working on some new projects and gives us some insight into the future of online course and information products. Rob has 12 years experience of running online course and membership websites. In this time the landscape has seen some big changes. The style of courses that did well 5 years ago no longer attract the attention they once did. Rob points out that you now need to create increased value with not only your course content but also the background support. The rise of popular course listing websites like Udemy & has made much course material a commodity. Along with many websites selling other services listing course material completely free of charge in order to leverage sales of their core product. So if you are interested in running an online course or sales of your existing course isn’t living up to expectation listen in to what Rob has to say. You can find out more at