The Click & Convert Podcast

The Click & Convert Podcast

#86 - 5 Reasons Blog Comments Don’t Work For You - TSBMR

May 14, 2016

Most blogging platforms have a comment facility and there are third party systems that include additional features. They are so easy to include as part of your site Yet Copyblogger turned off their comments some time ago. Seth Godin, one of the most prolific bloggers posting every day for many years has never had comments on his site. If these 2 sources of some of the greatest thought leadership in their space don’t allow comments on their posts, should you? Find out what we think by listening to the show where we go through these potential reasons why blog comments don’t work for you: Has the ‘Conversation’ moved to Social Media Spam comments blocking the system Time commitment required to manage comments Negative social proof, if you have no comments! Do we even want people to comment at all?