The Click & Convert Podcast

The Click & Convert Podcast

#80 Essential Conversion Rate Optimisation Tips - TSBMR

February 20, 2016

Businesses are normally so obsessed with driving traffic to their website. Whether it be looking for the latest Search Engine Optimisation techniques. Leveraging Social Media and Content Marketing. Or even spending money on pay per click campaigns.
Often they overlook the traffic already coming to their website, and what more can be done to get them to buy.
In addition many will start to run Google AdWords campaigns or Facebook Advertising without any thought for testing and making the most of the available ad budget.
This week I speak to Michael Leftwich, information product marketer and conversion optimisation expert. Michael will give you some tips for not only improving conversion on your website, but also in your pay per click campaigns on Google and Facebook.
Some of the tools mentioned by Michael include:
