Lincoln Derr

Latest Episodes
How to Turn a Bad Fact Into a Good Fact
A good lawyer is able to discern between good and bad facts. A great lawyer is able to turn a bad fact into a good fact or at least neutralize the bad fact. On this episode of Trying []
The Anatomy of Medical Malpractice Cases
With experience on the defense side, the attorneys at Lincoln Derr understand that medical malpractice cases can be emotionally and professionally devastating for the defendant. But what exactly goes
The Disciplined Listening Method with Michael Reddington Episode 16
Show Notes Whether youre in the courtroom, on the scene of an investigation, or hiring in the business world, theres one thing you want to uncover in your interviews: the truth. But how do you go
Zealous Advocacy: Where is the line? The “Brief Series”
Like so many things in life, the term zealous advocacy was born with the best intentions. By definition, it is an attorneys ethical obligation to do everything reasonable, within his or her means,
Civil DNA: Your Fingerprints Are Everywhere
In this episode of Trying 2 Win, Sara Lincoln and Tricia Derr, co-founders of the law firm Lincoln Derr, discuss the forensics of civil cases specifically the DNA left behind by smartphones, apps,
Litigators vs. Trial Lawyers: Is there a Difference? Episode 15
Lincoln Derr attorney Jeremy Sugg joined us in the studio to pose an interesting question: Is there a difference between trial lawyers and litigators? The answer: Its complicated. The first time I e
So You Want To Be A Trial Lawyer Episode 14
What does it take to be a trial lawyer? And how can young lawyers know if its the right choice for them? On this episode of Trying 2 Win, Sara Lincoln and Tricia Derr, co-founders of the civil litiga
Medical Board Complaints – A Guide for Healthcare Providers Episode 13
Medical Board Complaints - A Guide for Healthcare Providers - These days, filing complaints against medical professionals to the North Carolina Medical Board is about as easy as leaving a Google revie
Medical Board Complaints – A Guide for Healthcare Providers Episode 13
Medical Board Complaints - A Guide for Healthcare Providers - These days, filing complaints against medical professionals to the North Carolina Medical Board is about as easy as leaving a Google revie