Blaze Church

Blaze Church

Latest Episodes

What Makes You Happy Part 2: Plan For It // Pastor Keith Indovino
May 05, 2019

Happiness is not immediately accessible, but it’s not out of reach. It’s a result. It’s sowing and reaping. Jesus began his ministry with a sermon about happiness. Holiness and happiness do not stand in opposition to each other. God has the greatest plan.

What Makes You Happy Part 1: No Thing // Pastor Keith Indovino
April 28, 2019

No “thing” can make you happy. Happiness is more about who than what. Solomon attempted to be happy with whats but it didn’t end well. The path to happiness begins with Jesus. He invites us to not worry about whats and instead place our trust in Him.

I am... Part 8: Easter Sunday // Pastor Keith Indovino
April 21, 2019

Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life. When He shows up, dead things come alive! Whether you are dead in your doubt, discouragement, or the delay, Jesus is greater. Even though her brother was dead four days, Martha declared, “Even now” to show that Jes.

I am... Part 7: The True Vine // Pastor Keith Indovino
April 14, 2019

We all want to be “a better person”. How we define better may be personal, but there are some shared values like love, joy, and patience. If you’ve ever attempted to “try” to be better, you know how vain the attempt can be. Even if we meet our own defini.

I am... Part 6: The Way, Truth, & Life // Pastor Jonathan Bernor
April 07, 2019

You were created to have a father-relationship. There are father-wounds that our Father in heaven alone is able to heal. How do we come to the Father? Through Jesus! He alone is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! Jesus came to save us from our sin, and br.

I am... Part 5: The Good Shepherd // Pastor Keith Indovino
March 31, 2019

We all wrestle with self-worth questions. Am I good enough? Does anyone love me? What are the answers when we apply these questions vertically? As the Good Shepherd, Jesus declared that He loves “His sheep”; those who believe in Him. You are wanted, know.

I am... Part 4: The Door // Pastor Keith Indovino
March 25, 2019

Have you ever thought, “This is more than just a bad day; something isn’t right.” Spiritual warfare is real. The enemy is out to steal, kill, and destroy. We do not have to be afraid or weird; instead we can be aware and prepare for battle. Jesus said, “.

I AM... Part 3: Light of the World // Pastor Keith Indovino
March 17, 2019

Being exposed isn’t something people run to. Everyone goes through life looking for a light to show them which steps to take. Jesus declared, “I AM the light of the world.” He gave his followers a beautiful promise about life. Jesus lights up God, oursel.

I AM... Part 2: Bread of Life // Pastor Keith Indovino
March 10, 2019

Society has a desire to understand spiritual things. We recognize that we are not just physical beings. We have emotions, desires, and a soul. God has put eternity in each of us. As we search for a satisfied soul, we will encounter different options. Jes.

I AM... Part 1: I Know You // Pastor Keith Indovino
March 03, 2019

No one likes to share their sins and failures. We do what we can to pretty up our lives and justify our choices. The Samaritan woman attempted to evade Jesus’ probing statements. But Jesus didn’t give up on her (even though so many others had). Jesus did.