Latest Episodes
Ep.197 The Christian and Complaining
In this episode, Ekkie and Nathaniel discuss God's view of complaining.__________________________________________________Looking for cool gear? Shirts, Mugs, Hoodies, Etc.: us at:truthbeknownpodcast@g
Ep.196 A Warning: Life Church & Craig Groeschel
Ep. 196 A Warning: Life Church & Craig GroeschelIn this episode, Ekkie and Nathaniel discuss the dangers of following the popular teacher, Craig Groeschel and Life Church.___________________________________________________Hyperlinks below may not
Ep.195 How Christians should view '24 Elections and Politics
Ep.195 How Christians should view '24 Elections and PoliticsIn this episode, Ekkie and Nathaniel discuss the Re-election of President Donald Trump and how Christians should view the election and politics in general. Truthbeknown Ministries Website:tbkmin.
Ep.194 The Need for the Gospel in the American Church
Ep.194 The Need for the Gospel in the American ChurchIn this episode, Ekkie and Nathaniel discuss the desperate need to recover the Gospel in the American church Today.________________________________________Truthbeknown Ministries Website:tbkmin.orgHyper
Ep.193 The State of Evangelicalism in America
Ep.193 The State of Evangelicalism in AmericaIn this episode, Ekkie and Nathaniel discuss the current state of evangelicalism in America Today._______________Truthbeknown Ministries Website: tbkmin.orgHyperlinks below may not work on certain platform
Ep.192 A Warning: Beth Moore
Ep. 191 A Warning: Beth MooreIn this episode, Ekkie and Nathaniel discuss the dangers of following the popular teacher, Beth Moore.________________________________________________________________Truthbeknown Ministries Website: Justin Pete
Ep. 191 A Warning: Francis Chan & We Are Church
Ep. 191 A Warning: Francis Chan & We Are ChurchIn this episode, Ekkie and Nathaniel discuss the dangers of following the popular teacher, Francis Chan.______________________________________________________Justin Peters Youtube: HereHyperlinks below ma
Ep. 190 A Warning: Michael Todd & Transformation Church
In this episode, Ekkie and Nathaniel discuss the dangers of the popular false teacher, Michael Todd________________________________________________________________Hyperlinks below may not work on certain platforms.Looking for cool gear? Shirts, Mugs, Hood
Ep.189 How to get the most out of a Sermon
In this episode, Ekkie and Nathaniel discuss ways you can get more out of a sermon.Looking for cool gear? Shirts, Mugs, Hoodies, Etc.: us at:truthbeknownpodcast@gmail.comYouTube handle: @truthbeknownp
Ep.188 Should your Pastor be talking about the assassination attempt on D.Trump?
In this episode, Ekkie and Nathaniel discuss comments made about whether or not your pastor should be speaking about the assassination attempts on President D. Trump from the Pulpit and how you should respond if he doesn't.Looking for cool gear? Shirts, M