Trust The Trail Podcast

Trust The Trail Podcast

Latest Episodes

200 The Long Long Trail Anniversary Edition
December 16, 2021

On our 200th episode we look at back at 5 years of podcasting with Trust The Trail. We share some behind the scenes, never before told stories as well as some of our highlighted successes and failures

199 Clean Your Gear Damit
December 02, 2021

This is episode 199 Clean Your Gear. On this episode Scott shares some new gear thoughts for 2022 and why you should take a look at some quality down jackets that have been on the market for awhile. H

198 Are Trail Ratings Dependable
November 18, 2021

On this episode we get back to some basics in talking about trail ratings. Is there a need for a consistent rating system, with so many new backpackers exploring different terrain? What constitutes di

197 The Fork In The Trail
November 11, 2021

This is episode 197 The Fork in the Trail. On this episode Scott shares what happened in Cooke City Montana and why we stopped podcasting. Also, how the fork in the Trail with no trail signs is often

196 Are You Bear Aware?
September 02, 2021

On this episode we discuss Bears in the backcountry. Is practicing Leave No Trace Principles enough, where there is no room for error? We share 3 tips in how to keep bears out of your campsite. We als

LIVE From Yellowstone! Backpacking Trails and Tips
August 19, 2021

We come to you LIVE from Yellowstone National Park in Lamar Valley and some of the best backpacking around. On this episode we offer tips on what you need to know when coming out to hit the trail. Do

194 Trail Depression Is Real
August 05, 2021

On episode 194 we discuss that Trail Depression is Real. We share personal thoughts on depression after a long distance or thru hike. Whether it’s the Appalachian Trail or the Pacific Crest Trail. Tra

193 The Backcountry Ripple Effect
July 22, 2021

The second part of a two part series on the saturation of our trails by novice hikers. We discussed in our last episode what new hikers are experiencing and how this increased saturation is causing a

192 Rise Of The Recreational Rookie
July 08, 2021

On this episode we debate the rise on the novice hiker and how it’s shaping our outdoor recreation. With little room for error in life altering scenarios, where does experience benefit the average hik

191 Should Backpacking Be Called A Sport?
June 24, 2021

On this episode we debate the Pro’s and Con’s of calling backpacking a “sport”. Should it be considered an “official” Olympic Sport? Who would referee? Who would judge? We discuss the facts about athl