Trust The Trail Podcast

201 The Fear Factor
On episode 201 Scott shares several tips on how to overcome and handle fear on the trail. How to turn negative thoughts into positive energy. As we move into 2022 fear has gripped us in every way possible. But on this episode how you handle fear in life is exactly how you will handle fear in the backcountry. We also discuss new updates to the show and a special invite to our listeners.
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Welcome our New Sponsor: Gaia GPS – Give the hikers in your life hundreds of offline maps to explore anywhere in the world. Our entire map catalog and custom route planning tools will help them get deeper into the backcountry. And you’ll be happy knowing that they can always find their way home.
Don’t forget to check out the Backpacker Store. This site is just for you. The Power is in the search
What we talk about
New Sponsor: Gaia GPS is in the house!
Now coming to a video channel near you
Arizona is freakin cold
Backpacking Masterclass?
Fear is not a factor for you
Shout out’s to our lovely and amazing Facebook Members and our Patreon’s who also help support our podcast: Richard Curry, Angela Salas Kim Kaverman, Brother Bear, Jill Lange,, EJ Newell, Helene Profit, Bob Esser, Dani Bowen, Jack Masters, Lisa Pruit, Brad Wolfe, Suzane Johnson, Jessica Wolfen Jordan LANGREK Susane Adams Kevin Frost, Gina Purcell. and our newest Patreon Dean Dowsett. Patreon is a secure platform that let’s you support your favorite Podcast. All you need to do is create an account, and go to trust the trail podcast, and as little as 2.00 a month, get special benefits for exclusive content.