Trust The Trail Podcast

200 The Long Long Trail Anniversary Edition
On our 200th episode we look at back at 5 years of podcasting with Trust The Trail. We share some behind the scenes, never before told stories as well as some of our highlighted successes and failures from many of our trips. Then we turn the tables back to those of YOU whom inspired us in ways that could have never imagined…directly fueling keeping this podcast going. As we hike down the trail to memory lane, join us in celebrating 200 episodes of Trust The Trail Podcast.
You can always join in on our discussions on our Facebook group page – just go to: and join our podcast family – come hang out with us AND become part of our community
What We Talk About:
Scott imitates Araine prepping for each show
Ariane “how have I lasted 200 episodes”?
Raw audio and no editing please
5 years of recording podcast shows in some very unique places
Dog Kennels are NOT the place to record a Podcast
The “drunken” episode when we weren’t even drunk
When trips don’t go exactly like we planned: The EJ audible – Sedona
Shift Tube Hijinks – Yellowstone
Ariane say’s “hell no”. Angles Landing does not play – Zion
Ariane swims with the Gators – Okeefenokee Swamp
Hanging the food bag failure: 8 year old asks Scott “need some help” – Chattooga River Trail
Sorry, no wildlife here. Bet let’s make Apple Pie – Isle Royale
Friends last forever
Thank you to all who have supported the show after 5 years
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Shout out’s to our lovely and amazing Facebook Members and our Patreon’s who also help support our podcast: Richard Curry, Angela Salas Kim Kaverman, Brother Bear, Jill Lange, EJ Newell, Becky Wenger, Helene Profit, Ted Jones, Bob Esser, Jeff Nineman, Dani Bowen, Jack Masters, Lisa Pruit, Mike Pellet, Brad Wolfe, Suzane Johnson, Gerry Brucia, Shirly Nutt, and Jessica Wolfen Jordan LANGREK Susane Adams Kevin Frost, Gina Purcell. Patren is a secure platform that let’s you support your favorite Podcast. All you need to do is create an account, and go to trust the trail podcast, and as little as 2.00 a month, get special benefits for exclusive content.