Trust Me I'm A Doctor

Trust Me I'm A Doctor

Latest Episodes

The Healing Power of Light Therapy
April 16, 2018

On this episode of Trust Me I'm A Doctor, Dr. Sean Stringer interviews Vivie Susan Bishop of Opt For Light in Sarasota, Florida. Susan and Dr. Stringer discuss the healing properties of light therapy and how it can help with pain relief and neuropathy. Th

CBD and Desire Map
April 02, 2018

On today's show, I have on Nicole Marie Leffler form Wild Ginger Apothecary and Studio in Sarasota, FL. We discuss CBD, natural personal care products, and self improvement. #cbd #desiremap #selfimprovement #community #holistic #naturalproducts #personalc

Reducing the Recurrence of Breast Cancer
March 30, 2018

This episode is on using time restricted eating to reduce breast cancer recurrence. #likethis #sharethis #itsabodymindthing #iam #docstringer #bodyminddoc

Low Magnesium Could Kill You
March 29, 2018

On today's episode I explain how your doctor may be ordering the wrong magnesium giving you a false sense that everything is okay and could lead to death.

Listener Q&A
March 26, 2018

On today's show I answer questions on diet pills/supplements and weight loss, testosterone injections, growth hormone, chocolate cravings, sunning to reduce inflammation, and how to make kombucha and kale chips.

Lower Risk Of Colon Cancer
December 05, 2017

This nutrient will lower your risk of dying from colon cancer

Empowerment w/ Luca Lorenzoni
December 04, 2017

Luca Lorenzoni with discusses empowerment, memory techniques, his influences in life, his successes, and his challenges. Luca is the Tony Robbins of Italy. He had trained tens of thousands of people to be better versions of themselve

Breaking Up With Booze
December 01, 2017

4 Benefits of Taking A Break From Alcohol

What About Earlobe Creases?
December 01, 2017

Earlobe Creases and Cardiovascular Disease

Post Holiday Weight Loss
November 30, 2017

Dr. Sean Stringer gives helpful tips for post-holiday weight loss