The True Girl Momcast

The True Girl Momcast

Episode #31: Our Girls Don’t Belong Here (and that’s good)

June 26, 2024

The girls get deep in this one! Right off the bat, they lay the foundation that they’re NOT advocating for the existence of aliens. However, they ARE talking about how followers of Christ are “aliens and strangers” in this world. We currently live in the world, but it’s not our forever home. Hallelujah! And they discuss how helping our girls understand that can give them peace about their “itchy feelings” of not fitting in.

Scripture support:

Aliens and strangers - 1 Pet. 2:11

Eternity in our hearts - Ecc. 3:11

Angels in battle - Rev. 12:7-9

New Heaven and Earth - Rev. 21

Man and angels not the same - Psalm 8:4-5, Heb. 2:5-8

Kids’ questions about Heaven via Focus on the Family

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