A Time for Truth

A Time for Truth

Latest Episodes

Coping with the Loss of a Loved One
February 27, 2022

In this podcast, Phillip investigates loss and suffering. Through a discussion of both psychological and biblical perspectives, Phillip attempts to answer the question of whether or not, as Christians

Judgment Part 1 - "Can We Know the Mind of God?"
December 21, 2020

In this episode, Phillip Brown frames the question Can we know the mind of God? After setting up a scenario wherein that question might be asked, Phillip works through a method for rationally respon

Podcast: Obstacles to Faith Part 4 – Evidences
October 05, 2020

In this final installment of the "Obstacles to Faith" series, Phillip points to the idea that evidence poses one of the greatest challenges to belief. Through surveying various positions on faith, Phillip ties things together by tentatively showing how...

Obstacles to Faith Part 3: Suffering
September 22, 2020

In this podcast, Phillip discusses what are possibly the most challenging obstacles to faith - personal suffering and the loss of a loved one. Giving the very personal and delicate nature of this subject, Phillip not only approaches things from an apol...

Obstacles to Faith Part 2: Exposure to Christianity
September 07, 2020

In this edition of the "Obstacles to Faith" Series, Phillip discusses the notion that a lack of exposure to Christianity, and Christian culture broadly speaking, sometimes prevents people from understanding who and what Jesus is and as such constitutes...

Podcast: Obstacles to Faith Part 1 – Understanding
August 24, 2020

In this podcast, Phillip discusses tools and techniques to help you communicate your thoughts and feelings.

Podcast: What is Truth?
September 22, 2018

In this podcast, Phillip discusses "What is truth?"

Podcast: How to approach discussing moral issues.
August 23, 2018

In this podcast, Phillip speaks on how to approach discussing moral issues.

Podcast: Why Apologetics?
July 23, 2018

In this podcast, Phillip introduces True Faith Canada and speaks about reasons for apologetics.