True Crime Reporter

True Crime Reporter

Flipping Off Angry Drivers Can Get You Killed On US Highways

July 11, 2023

Road rage violence shatters records on US Highways. Experts say a perfect storm of post-pandemic anger and violent criminals out of jail due to liberal bail practices has set off a wave of deadly road rage shootings.

Retired Houston Police Captain Greg Fremin tracks the growing carnage at Sam Houston State’s College of Criminal Justice. 

The numbers have run off the highway as stressed-out, violent drivers turn their rage into the wild wild west on American highways. 

On average, 44 people are killed or wounded on U.S. roadways every month. That's twice the average for 2019.

In this episode of the True Crime Reporter® Podcast, investigative reporter Robert Riggs talks to Fremin about the causes and what to do if you are a target of road rage.

In closing, here’s my reporter’s recap and reflections.

In these stressful times, I practice Stoicism.

It’s a philosophy from the book Meditations by Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius

The core principle for me: When you don’t control what happens, the only thing you can control is how you react.

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