True Crime Finland

True Crime Finland

Latest Episodes

Episode 033 : Janne Raninen
November 02, 2018

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, the saying goes. But what if your friends become your enemies? Podcast promo for this week: Whispered True Stories For more background on Jari Aarnio, please listen to episodes 017 – 019. This episode w

Episode 033 : Janne Raninen
November 02, 2018

Episode 032 : Kapteeninkatu police murders
October 19, 2018

In the early morning hours of October 22, 1997, officers on duty at the Helsinki police station were alerted to Hotel Palace that had apparently been robbed. But they would soon come to the horrible realization that there was much more to the story. Podc

Episode 031 : WinCapita
October 05, 2018

In 2008, Hannu Kailajärvi was found hiding in a tiny red cottage in Sweden. Thousands of people had been waiting for this moment: they wanted to know where their money was. Podcast promo for this week: Crime In movies Big thanks go out to Roope and Riit

Episode 031 : WinCapita
October 05, 2018

Episode 030 : Imatra shooting incident
September 21, 2018

Jori Lasonen was sure someone had created a fake drug debt in his name and now, a hit man was after him. He was so sure that he went to his father’s gun cabinet and picked out a rifle. In his mind, the only safe place was in police custody. If you would

Bonus episode : Silkkisukkamurhaaja (The Silk Stocking murderer) with Kate (Ignorance Was Bliss) and Bonnie (Wining About Crime)
September 11, 2018

This is a special collaboration episode with my amazing friends Kate (Ignorance Was Bliss) and Bonnie (Wining About Crime). We talk about the silk stocking murderer - a case that has a connection to both Canada and Finland. This is one of those rare insta