The Real News Daily Podcast

The Real News Daily Podcast

Working Life Podcast: ICE-Company Cover Up Of Workplace Deaths in NOLA?

December 27, 2019

Episode 161:

Shut your damn mouth or be deported. That’s basically the upshot of what happened to Delmer Joel Ramirez Palma, who wanted to tell the truth about the collapse of the under-construction Hard Rock Hotel in New Orleans but, two days after he was hurt in the disaster, Joel found himself dragged off by ICE into detention and, then, deported back to Honduras after living in New Orleans for 18 years. I’ll be talking in today’s episode to Mary Yanik, senior staff attorney with the New Orleans Workers Center for Racial Justice, about this abuse of workers to set the stage for a rally later today in New Orleans to “Bring Joel Home”.

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Then, two more progressive candidates visit with me. Mike Siegel is running to unseat a Republican incumbent in Texas’ 10th Congressional district—and even though he came pretty close to winning the seat in 2018, the Washington Beltway consultant class and the DCCC are pushing a much more centrist candidate. Liam O’Mara, the son of a dockworker, is also trying to unseat an incumbent Republican in California’s 42nd Congressional District.

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-- Jonathan Tasini

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