Trinity Church Adelaide

Trinity Church Adelaide

Latest Episodes

#1 The Resurrection: Does It Matter?
April 25, 2020

1 Corinthians 15:1-28

#1 复活: 这为什么很重要
April 18, 2020

哥林多前书 15:1-28

God, Suffering & The Coronavirus
April 18, 2020

Romans 8:18-39

#2 绝望中的盼望 (耶稣基督复活了!)
April 11, 2020

路加福音 24:1-49

#2 Hope In The Face Of Death
April 11, 2020

Matthew 27:57-28:20

#1 绝望中的盼望 (耶稣基督的受难)
April 09, 2020

路加福音 23:6-49

#1 Hope In The Face Of A Deeper Disease
April 09, 2020

Matthew 27:27-56

#10 活出与蒙呼召相称的生命
April 04, 2020

哥林多前书 7:17-40

#9 The King Must Die
April 04, 2020

Luke 9:1-51

Term 1, Week 8
March 30, 2020

2 Peter 3