Trill MBA Show - The Career Management Podcast for Black Women

Trill MBA Show - The Career Management Podcast for Black Women

Exposing Toxic Workplaces: Ansa Edim's Fight for Safety with Blacklist

May 27, 2024

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In this episode, Felicia sits down with Ansa Edim, founder and CEO of Blacklist, to discuss the groundbreaking platform dedicated to exposing toxic workplaces and promoting safety for underrepresented communities. Ansa shares her personal experiences with racism and discrimination in the corporate world, which inspired her to create Blacklist as a resource for employees to share their stories and for companies to be held accountable. Discover how Blacklist works, the impact it’s making, and the importance of restorative justice in creating equitable workplaces. Tune in to learn valuable insights on navigating workplace challenges and advocating for a more inclusive work environment.

Key Takeaways in this Episode:

Research Company Culture Thoroughly: Before accepting a job offer, conduct in-depth research on the company's culture, especially its Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) practices. Utilize platforms like Blacklist to gain insights from other employees’ experiences to ensure the workplace is psychologically safe and supportive for underrepresented communities.

Advocate for Restorative Justice in the Workplace: Understand the importance of restorative justice, which focuses on holding companies accountable and promoting positive change based on employee feedback. Encourage your organization to adopt transparent and equitable practices that address and rectify discriminatory behaviors and policies.

Know Your Worth and Stand Firm: Don’t let anyone undermine your qualifications or experience. Always remind yourself of your capabilities and the value you bring to the table. When negotiating job offers or promotions, ensure you are being compensated fairly and refuse to settle for less than what you deserve.

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