Trill MBA Show - The Career Management Podcast for Black Women

Trill MBA Show - The Career Management Podcast for Black Women

The Follow-Up- The Truth About PIPs

August 06, 2023
S7: Ep 22

The Follow-Up- The Truth About PIPs

In this episode, we follow up on S3: Ep 12The Truth About Performance Improvement Plans! and further discuss how large companies manage us when they allege we are underperforming. Many times, these coaching/ performance improvement plans are shrouded in ambiguity, leaving us unsure about our true standing. Not being upfront about these plans makes us vulnerable and unaware of our options.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Ambiguity and Subjectivity in Evaluations:
    • It’s often unclear if a manager’s coaching is a regular developmental effort or a red flag signaling deeper performance concerns. One hint might be restrictions placed on seeking other internal roles.

    • Many evaluations can be influenced by personal biases or emotions, making them seem objective on the surface while actually being rooted in subjective opinions. This complexity can challenge an employee’s ability to meet expectations.

  2. Legal Precautions and Rights:
    • Whenever an employee finds themselves on a documented “action plan,” it becomes crucial to understand their rights. Seeking legal counsel can offer insights into ensuring one isn’t being set up for failure.

    • Proactively communicating with HR can sometimes lead to clearer understandings or even a severance offer, especially if potential legal implications are looming.

  3. Navigating Severance Offers:
    • Companies typically extend severance packages to employees whose performance hasn’t improved or when mutually ending the working relationship. However, these often come with strings attached, like clauses preventing negative feedback or legal actions against the company. Recognizing the nuances and implications of these offers is critical.

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Editing and Sound Design by Chris Mann of Podshaper