Trialled and Tested

Latest Episodes
‘Exit Interview’ with Sir Kevan Collins – is teaching becoming more evidence-informed?
In this latest episode, 'is teaching becoming more evidence-informed?', Sir Kevan Collins, the departing chief executive of the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), is interviewed by Evidence Based Education’s Jamie Scott about his eight years in the ...
Improving Social and Emotional Learning
New Trialled and Tested podcast looks at improving Social and Emotional Learning. - Effective social and emotional learning (SEL) can increase positive pupil behaviour, mental health and well-being, and academic performance. - Indeed,
Trialled and Tested: Working Memory
In this episode of the Trialled and Tested podcast we explore working memory and its importance to teaching and learning; what it is, why it’s important for teachers to know about it and how an understanding of working memory can inform the way teacher...
Trialled and Tested: Embedding Formative Assessment
“Teaching should start from where the student is, not from where we would like them to be." says education professor Dylan Wiliam. In this episode of Trialled and Tested: Embedding Formative Assessment, we introduce how formative assessment strategies ...
Improving secondary science
In this episode of Trialled and Tested, Jamie Scott from Evidence Based Education speaks to Emily Yeomans (EEF Head of Programme Strategy), Sir John Holman (Emeritus Professor of Chemistry at the University of York) and Dr Niki Kaiser (Chemistry Teache...
Efficacy, evidence and evaluation
In this episode of the Trialled and Tested podcast, 'Efficacy, evidence and evaluation', Jamie Scott from Evidence Based Education speaks to Eleanor Stringer and Matthew van Poortvliet from the Education Endowment Foundation to find out more about thei...
Trialled and tested: Metacognition and self-regulated learning
Weve teamed up with the Education Endowment Foundation to bring you a new podcast Trialled and Tested! This first episode is on metacognition and self-regulated learning. - We'll post this inaugura