Trends & Issues in Instructional Design, Educational Technology, and Learning Sciences

Trends & Issues in Instructional Design, Educational Technology, and Learning Sciences

Episode 44 Trends for the Weeks of July 26-August 16: Facebook Studies, Software Reviews, and Getting Ready for School

August 17, 2015

We discuss the trends and issues we observed during the weeks of July 26-August 16, 2015 as we flipped resources into our Flipboard magazine ( In this episode of our podcast, we discuss 3 trends. The first trend is Facebook. We observed  a number of  resources about news of Facebook along with research studies related to the use of Facebook. We are encouraged by what seems to be an increase in studies related to the use of social media. The second trend is software update and reviews. Windows 10 took center stage with a number of reviews on how the implementation is going. The third trend is a focus on getting ready for school. There were resources about wearable technology coming to campuses. The development of virtual bookstores at college campuses. And, there were more back-to-school lists of the top apps, tools, and software for students and teachers.

We have three recommended readings for the week.

A Definition of Web Literacy (And How Students Can Benefit) by Terry Heick
5 Big Ideas in Education that Don't Work by Anya Kamanetz
Looking Into the Future of Instructional Technology by Connie Malamed

To visit Connie Malamed's The E-Learning Coach Web site, visit

To find out more about John Hattie's work, visit careful listeners of the podcast, Dr. Hattie is from New Zealand.

To cite the Trends & Issues podcast:

Brown, A. & Green, T. (Producers). (2015, August 17). Trends and Issues in Instructional Design, Educational Technology, and Learning Sciences [Audio Podcast]. Retrieved from

Our next podcast episode will be August 31, 2015