Trends & Issues in Instructional Design, Educational Technology, and Learning Sciences

Trends & Issues in Instructional Design, Educational Technology, and Learning Sciences

Episode 35 Trends for the Weeks of Mar. 9-22 Student Data Privacy, Continuing News on AR/VR, Wearable News Wanes

March 24, 2015

We discuss the trends and issues we observed during the weeks of March 9-22, 2015 as we flipped resources into our Flipboard magazine ( In this episode of our podcast, we discuss 3 trends. The first is student and data privacy concerns. One surprising article we flipped dealt with Pearson Publishing monitoring student Twitter accounts. The second is continuing news on VR/AR. Several devices will become available for consumers in the next few months. The third was a mixture of random articles about wearable devices. 

We have three recommended readings for the week.

Jaw-Dropping Magic Leap Demo Shows off our Augmented Future by Andrew Tarantola
New Principles Aim to Guide Use, Safety of Student Data by Benjamin Herold
ISTE Unveils New Guide to Creating Safe Digital Learning Environment (Note: Shameless promotion)

To cite the Trends & Issues podcast:

Brown, A. & Green, T. (Producers). (2015, March 24). Trends and Issues in Instructional Design, Educational Technology, and Learning Sciences [Audio Podcast]. Retrieved from

Our next podcast episode will be April 6, 2015