Conquer Codependency God’s Way

Conquer Codependency God’s Way

Where Does Shame Come From?

June 18, 2024
What Does The Bible Say About Shame?

Listen To Our Podcast Below or Watch on YouTube.

You cannot simultaneously harbor self-hatred and genuine love for others and God.

When we harbor feelings of shame, it can be challenging to fully embrace love for others and for God. By confronting shame, we create space in our hearts to authentically love and connect with others. 

Just like heavy rocks buried beneath the surface of the soil, shame acts as an unseen barrier that hinders our roots from fully experiencing the depths of God’s love, so we can bloom and bring a harvest to others. 

“Consider how the wild flowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.” Luke 12:27

Wildflowers confidently confront stones in their way because they know it is all a part of growth. They bloom fearlessly amidst the challenges, embracing each obstacle as an opportunity to strengthen their roots and reach for the sky.

Wildflowers dance in the wind, their vibrant colors a testament to resilience and beauty in the face of adversity. Like these courageous blooms, let us too face our shame confidently with biblical truth head-on, knowing that with each hurdle we overcome, we grow stronger and more radiant. 

In today’s teaching message, find biblical principles to confront shame and find strength to bloom.



▶ Watch today’s teaching message HERE.

The post Where Does Shame Come From? appeared first on Treasured Ministries.