Conquer Codependency God’s Way

Conquer Codependency God’s Way

Boundaries God’s Way

December 17, 2023
Setting Biblical Boundaries 

Listen to Our Podcast Below or Watch the YouTube Video Here

As we are all made in God’s image, we are called to love as He loves, and boundaries are a part of loving others. 

Beware, treasured one, of Satan’s scripture-twisted lie that boundaries are unkind

“If God is not only loving, but He is love, He cannot act otherwise.” 1 John 4:8 

He does not sin or lie. Therefore, limits are not loveless. When prompted by the Holy Spirit, they are love.

Since the beginning of time, God has set sacred boundaries to guard what He values. Placing a protective limit out of love was God’s first post-creation action in the Garden of Eden; when He instructed Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:16-17). This caring command was the first of many agape-driven limits God gave to His people.

Who better to teach us and talk to us about boundaries than our Creator? 

In today’s teaching message from Exodus 19, we will look to the author and originator of boundaries – the One True God – and uncover timeless truths about Biblical boundaries that you can begin to set today.  

Boundary guidance from the Holy Spirit builds healthy relationships. So, let’s seek God with all we have and love others, His way, as we discover boundaries that are Biblical, beneficial, and built on love. 

You’ve got this! 



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The post Boundaries God’s Way appeared first on Treasured Ministries.