Traveling with AAA

Where to Go in 2025 Internationally with Jim Benning and Derrik J. Lang
If you’re planning to venture outside of the United States of America in the upcoming year, it’s a good idea to know what’s new and exciting before you narrow down your destination list. Ahead of the new year, we’re sharing the top trending international travel destinations for 2025.
Today, Angie Orth is back with Westways and AAA Explorer editor-in-chief Jim Benning and senior features editor Derrik J. Lang. They’re recommending a handful of destinations that are offering something fresh for visitors yet still feel accessible for U.S.-based travelers.
You’ll hear about the most up-and-coming hotspots for the new year and what makes them worth a visit. We’re covering everything from arts and culture to food and pop culture, exploring fabulous places that still feel within reach.
What You’ll Learn:
- (1:02) An art and food hub with something for everyone
- (4:10) A new non-stop tropical destination
- (6:40) The next big city destination in South Africa
- (7:57) A new railway adventure in Mexico
- (12:35) An island destination not too far from home
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