Travel Business Succes‪s‬

Travel Business Succes‪s‬

Travel Publicity Travel Press Release Success Tips Mark O’Toole TravMedia Episode 43

August 30, 2010

Do you ever wonder why some travel services, tours, lodges, destinations, etc. get into the magazines, broadcast and online media, but not you?

Just imagine the number of bookings and arrivals you earn if you could good some travel publicity too...

A small article on my brother's Baja whale shark diving tour was just picked up by Associated Press, circulated around the world and earned him his best 2 weeks in sales in the 18 years of his company!

His question to me, "Tim how do I get more travel media coverage like that for my other tours? It was some of the best travel marketing I ever have had!"

Let me show you how.

If you want to get your travel offering in front of professional travel journalist looking for travel stories, people, events, you need to listen to this important interview with Tim Warren, author of Tourism Marketing Success and Mark O'Toole, Senior Vice President, TravMedia USA.
Travel Business Success Radio Podcast Episode 43
Travel Hospitality Publicity Interview Part I:

Power of travel press release
How to get your press release news distributed around world to travel journalist looking for exactly what your promoting
How to work with travel journalist
How press releases can increase your bookings and arrivals at your travel desinations

Click Here to access part II of this interview with Mark O'toole, Senior Vice President, TravMedia USA and Tim Warren to learn how to launch, manage and grow a successful travel media campaign.