Transpersonal Radio

Transpersonal Radio

Latest Episodes

05: Guest, John Winger, shares his viewpoint about the Druid faith and the practice and belief system of Druidry.
October 18, 2010

Join me as I interview guest, John Winger, bass player for local Placer County rock and blues band Lightning Hand and Home Grown Sounds, and practicing Druid. John shares his viewpoint about the Druid faith and the practice and belief system of Druidry.

01: Transpersonal Radio Welcome Podcast
October 08, 2010

Join me as I seek out answers about divine intention, new love consciousness, and enlightenment as I explore parapsychology, spirituality, and world religions from a free thought paradigm. A transformational journey – of spirit, soul, consciousness, sel

03: Practicing Yoga – Transforming self through the yoga sutras
October 07, 2010

How long have you been practicing yoga? Do you prefer solo or class practice? Indoors or out? How often do you practice yoga? And what type of yoga do you practice? Have you ever been to a yoga retreat? If so, I’d love to hear about your experiences. Do

02: Are we spiritual beings living a human existence?
October 02, 2010

I’ve had an interesting dance with religion, spirituality, and metaphysical experiences. Originally raised Agnostic in a small village in England, my only interaction and understanding of churches was appreciation of the architecture as my stepmom and I

04: When the student is ready…
September 20, 2010

If you’ve found this web page – welcome! You are meant to be here. There are no coincidences. Or are there? Those of you who know me well know that I have been on a Spiritual journey all my life. You also know most of the details of different phases.
