Transpersonal Radio
61: Noel Rosos is a husband, father, writer, performance coach, and self-proclaimed FAILUROLOGIST
Hello Transpersonal Radio Listeners!
Tonight’s guest is going to share with us how we can capitalize on our failures to find happiness and success.
Noel Rosos is a husband, father, writer, performance coach, and self-proclaimed FAILUROLOGIST whose mission is to help people understand, overcome, and capitalize on failure.
Noel has been employed in the IT industry for 15 years. He started out as a call-center agent and stayed there for 10 years before being laid off. He then moved to the education industry where he became a college professor while still holding part-time workshops for professionals teaching graphic design courses. In 2010 he moved to the banking industry where he became a manager for an information security group and now for the release management team.
Today, Noel’s passion and expertise is helping others come back from their setbacks and failures and be more successful than ever. He is a self-proclaimed failurologist — an expert on the subject of failure — having gone through several failures that he never thought he could recover from. Two years ago, he made the decision to turn his life around after going broke and being buried in debt.
Noel felt hopeless and helpless — almost at the point of giving up. Instead, he made significant changes, overcame his setbacks, and has since made it his mission to educate himself in the art of coming back from failure. He now works to impart this knowledge and wisdom to people who are currently struggling with setbacks and failures of their own. Noel wants to be a beacon of hope for people who are in seemingly hopeless situations. He wants people to realize that we only fail when we quit — and that everything depends upon us and us alone.
Noel works with individuals who are stuck and are struggling to achieve clarity. He provides hope and guidance in dealing with mistakes and setbacks to help people who want to live life on their own terms but don’t know where to start. Noel managed to turn his life around by cutting his debt in half through a change in mindset by way of personal development and self-improvement. Now he assists business owners and leaders capitalize on mistakes and failures they face including interpersonal relationships and leadership skills. He also helps individuals discover their life purpose, guiding them to craft a path towards their passion and let them live life according to their desires.
Find out more about Noel Rosos on his website