Transpersonal Radio

Transpersonal Radio

60: Laurie McDonald — Clinical Hypnotherapist on Extraterrestrial Phenomena

April 13, 2016

Hello Transpersonal Radio listeners.

We have a very special guest with us this evening who is going to share with us her knowledge and experiences with extraterrestrial phenomena.

Clinical Hypnotherapist Laurie McDonald, owner of True You Hypnotherapy, is the founder and organizer of the Sacramento Alien Abduction and Contactee Support Group.

She is a graduate of the Alchemical Hypnotherapy Institute of Sacramento and was a teacher’s assistant at the Alchemical Hypnotherapy Institute of Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Laurie is a graduate of the Dale Carnegie Effective Speaking and Human Relations courses, is a member of the Sacramento Institute of Noetic Sciences and is on the mental health referral list for organizations such as OPUS — The Organization for Paranormal Understanding and Support and MUFON — the Mutual UFO Network.

She has recently accepted an offer as a consultant to the research committee of the Edgar Mitchell foundation and was a team member on a television series Xperiencers.

Laurie is A.C.H.E. accredited and has been a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist since 1995.

Her life’s passion has been working with alien-contact experiencers, helping them gain a better understanding of their experiences and learning how to navigate the changes that alien contact has created in their lives.

She teaches life skills for self actualization and conducts personal empowerment workshops.

True You Hypnotherapy has been a three time winner of the ‘Sacramento’s Best Of’ award for hypnotherapy services.

In 2015, Laurie gave a presentation on The Extraterrestrial Phenomena at UFOCON in Sacramento, CA.

In that presentation Laurie explained that if you’ve ever experienced face to face, eye to eye contact with an extraterrestrial, know that you are not alone.

Laurie has shared intimate, actual first-hand experiences of abductees and contactees.

Laurie says when you or someone you love has had an ET experience — reality is altered, consciousness expands, and lives are changed forever.
Find out more about Laurie on her website True You Hypnotherapy.