Transformation Cafe

TC353:Self-Care for Caregivers and Laughter Yoga
On this episode of the Transformation Cafe podcast, host Robin Masiewicz and co-host Amy Frost welcome Michelle Bassett, a Hidden Heroes Fellow, to discuss self-care for caregivers and the work of the Elizabeth Dole Foundation.
Hidden Heroes brings vital attention to the untold stories of military caregivers and seeks solutions for the tremendous challenges and long-term needs they face.
In 2012, Elizabeth Dole founded the Elizabeth Dole Foundation to support military caregivers after witnessing the hardships these spouses, parents, siblings, and friends of wounded, ill, and injured veterans and service members face while she was caring for her husband, Bob, during an extended stay at Walter Reed Hospital. Since the Foundation’s launch, she has led the way in exposing the military caregiving crisis and bringing crucial resources to help these hidden heroes.
You can learn more about VA Caregiver Support, and participate in 4 weeks of daily self-care reflections and activities provided by the Veterans Administration. Check out the excellent “Caregiver Workbook Module 1: Caring for Yourself“.