Transformation Cafe

Transformation Cafe

TC 334: Cafe Book Club – Codependent No More – Self-Care part 2

December 29, 2016

In this week’s Cafe Book Club, host Robin Masiewicz and co-host Amy Frost discuss chapters 10 -14 of  Codependent No More: How to Stop Controlling Others and Start Caring for Yourself and the companion Codependent No More Workbook by Melody Beattie. This is the second part on the Basics of Self Care.

Chapter 10 – Live Your Own Life
Melody says in Chapter 10: “The surest way to make ourselves crazy is to get involved in other people’s business, and the quickest way to become sane and happy is to tend to our own affairs.”
Giving ourselves what we need is not difficult. I believe we can learn quickly. The formula is simple: In any given situation, detach and ask, “What do I need to do to take care of myself?”


* As you go through the days ahead, stop and ask yourself what you need to do to take care of yourself. Do it as often as you need to, but do it at least once daily. If you are going through a crisis, you may need to do it every hour. Then give yourself what you need.
* What do you need from people around you? At an appropriate time, sit down with them and discuss what you need from them.

Chapter 11 – Have a Love Affair with Yourself
“We can cherish ourselves and our lives. We can nurture ourselves and love ourselves. We can accept our wonderful selves, with all our faults, foibles, strong points, weak points, feelings, thoughts, and everything else. It’s the best thing we’ve got going for us. It’s who we are, and who we were meant to be. And it’s not a mistake. We are the greatest thing that will ever happen to us. Believe it. It makes life much easier.”
How do you feel about yourself? Write about it. Include the things you like or don’t like about yourself. Reread what you have written.
Click the images below to order your copy of the book and workbook.

Cafe Book Club Schedule
You can join us live Tuesdays at 8 PM PST by calling 646-727-3206.
December 6: Part 1 : What’s Codependency, and Who’s Got It?  which covers chapters 1 – 4 of Codependent No More. Workbook Lesson 3 chap 3; Workbook Lesson 5 chap 4
December 13: Part 2: The Basics of Self-Care – chapters 5-9; Workbook Lesson 4 chap 7
December 20: Part 2 – The Basics of Self-Care Part 2 – Chapters 10-14; Workbook Lesson 3 chap 12; Workbook Lesson 6 chap 10
December 27: Dark – no show this week
January 2: Part 2 Chapters 15-20; Workbook Lesson 7 chap 17; Workbook Lesson 8 chap 20; Workbook Lesson 9 chap 18
January 10: Interview with Catie Fitzgerald on Nutrition and Codependence
Information about Melody:
Melody Beattie is one of America’s most beloved self-help authors and a household name in addiction and recovery circles.  Her international bestselling book,