Transform Your Business... Transform Your Life!

Transform Your Business... Transform Your Life!

Business Success | CC's Simple Strategy #2

September 25, 2015

In today's podcast Christine Cibula shares how important it is to take a snapshot of where your business is today by conducting a comprehensive business analysis and complimentary strategic systems solutions. 
Truth is, most business coaching clients come for coaching for one of two reasons:

Things are going well but they’ve stalled out and don’t know why.
Things aren’t going well and they know they need help fast.

Some are already at the top of their game, performing in the top 5%, and simply want to make minor adjustments to improve performance year after year.
In every case, clients want to experience a transformation in their business. 
I review how important it is to take an accurate snapshot of where you are in your business today. In so doing, I cover the 8 Key Success Pillars of your business and the 8 Key Strategic Systems that need to be evaluated for efficacy.
When you can honestly assess where you are now in your business and combine that with what we covered in the previous podcast on determining where you want to be a year from today, we can then proceed to create benchmarks and milestones within your business infrastructure. Benchmarks and milestones will be the topic for next week's podcast.
When you take an honest assessment of where you are now in your business model, are there any areas in particular that you know you need help with improving right away? I'd love to hear what you're focused on improving in the next 12-18 months in the comments below.
If you liked this strategy, there are 100 more where that came from. Simply click here and get your complimentary copy of 101 Simple Strategies to Boost Your Business.
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Here's To YOU and Your Business Success!
With Love & Light... :) CC
Christine Cibula M.S. ~ Transformational Business Coach & Mentor
P.S. If you enjoy what I shared in this episode, please leave a comment and review on iTunes. I greatly appreciate! Thank you... :)