A Minnesota Trans-Atheist
Episode 9 Interview with Bob Blaskiewicz
Here is the "official" way to look up your Federal Representatives from USA.gov www.usa.gov/Contact/Elected.shtml it is however kind of klunky. After a small amount of searching I found this site to be more user friendly. http://whoismyrepresentative.com/ although I won't take responsibility for the ads on the site.
You can follow this story, and download the actual FDA documents related to Stanislaw Burzynski at http://thehoustoncancerquack.com/ read up more on the the Burzynski Clinic on wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burzynski_Clinic
Other blogs and sites to follow for this story include:
The OTHER Burzynski Patient Group at http://theotherburzynskipatientgroup.wordpress.com/
Science Based Medicine http://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/?s=Stanislaw+Burzynski
Orac, an actual oncologist as opposed to Burzynski who is not, writes at Respectful Insolence http://scienceblogs.com/insolence/?s=burzynski
You can follow Bob Blaskiewicz on twitter @rjblaskiewicz and catch him on the virtual skeptics at http://virtualskeptics.com/ (It's like Meet the Press, but with Skeptics!)
My introduction of Bob was completely lifted from the NECSS speaker bio, and I take no credit for how well it was worded. http://necss.org/speakers/bob-blaskiewicz/
For more information on NECSS check out their website http://necss.org/
Intro and bumper music is provided by Obsidian Shell, find them in iTunes or head over to http://www.obsidianshell.com/
Closing music provided by The Small Wonder Experience. You can find them on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TheSmallWonderExperience or head over to their website http://smallwonderexperience.com/ where you can read biographies, buy their music, and get in touch with the band (maybe schedule a booking even).
Thanks for all the downloads, thanks for all the listens, I love you all.
Be Beautiful and Safe!