Tralodren: Behind the Scenes

Tralodren: Behind the Scenes

Latest Episodes

Episode 24 | Hitting the High Points
August 27, 2022

A quick overview of a few key matters for the present and the month ahead.

Episode 23 | More Questions and Answers
July 28, 2022

Chad answers some more questions.

Episode 22 | Summer Progress
June 25, 2022

A brief rundown on the progress with various Tralodren related titles/projects.

Episode 21 | Turning the Page
May 27, 2022

Chad shares some insight on what's in store for the next six months while noting what's been wrapping up or coming to completion during the last six months.

Episode 20 | April News and Updates
April 29, 2022

Chad shares some news and updates that have been transpiring for April with various projects as well as a dramatic expert for Trial of the Wizard King to celebrate its one year anniversary this month.

Episode 19 | March Machinations
March 26, 2022

Find out what Chad's been up to this March as he plots and plans with various options, avenues, and titles.

Episode 17 | Q&A + New Year Updates
January 29, 2022

The first episode of the third season has Chad answering some questions from the last book tour as well as sharing what's in store with new titles and projects for 2022.

Episode 16 | Triumph of the Wizard King
December 18, 2021

In this episode Chad shares some background and backstory behind what went into writing Triumph of the Wizard King, the third and final book in the Wizard King Trilogy.

Episode 15 | Questions and Answers
November 25, 2021

In this episode Chad answers some more questions. Feel free to send in some of your own: behind (at)

Episode 14 | What's Next?
October 28, 2021

Chad shares a short update on the Triumph Tour as well as some of what's coming for 2022 and beyond.