Training for Godliness

Training for Godliness

Latest Episodes

Those Pesky Weeds
October 06, 2020

This is the first of a new series "More Rooted Principles". These short devotional thoughts are based on many foundational principles - those 'rooted' deeply in scripture.

Envy Is an Ugly Emotion
August 13, 2019

Let’s face it - when we are blinded by envy and hatred things can get real ugly real quick. Envy is quite frankly a very ugly emotion because it harbors resentment at another’s success, advantages or perceived superiority. Listen in to find out how to fi.

Don't Be a Rich Fool
August 06, 2019

“Yes, a person is a fool to store up earthly wealth but not have a rich relationship with God.” Luke 12:21. This verse encourages us to be rich toward God. We are to line up our values with the Father. But how are we to do that? In this episode, I'll out.

Serving is Greater than Being Served
July 30, 2019

Many think society today is far too engrossed with personal visibility and recognition. People are always asking “what will I get in return?” Listen in to this short devotional thought around the important topic of serving others!

I am Redeemed
July 23, 2019

In this episode, we are going to take a brief look at five things you can say with confidence if you know Christ as your Lord and Savior. I am free because Christ died for me.I am blessed because I know Christ.I am chosen for a unique destiny.I am forgiv.

God's Plan
July 16, 2019

God has a plan. He doesn't guess! If we'll develop the discipline to stay focused, He will take us where He wants us to go! Listen in to this week's message "God's Plan" in our sixth episode of the series "Rooted Principles".

Obeying God's Word
July 09, 2019

You are invited to listen in as we take a look at how you receive the rewards of obedience when you obey God. I imagine you may have been brought up to obey your mother and father. To obey is to comply with a command or submit to the authority of another.

P-R-A-Y * An Essential Part of Your Day
June 25, 2019

Do I make time for God, or am I going to deny myself the opportunity to seek Him in prayer? I needed a practical tool to help me focus during my attempted prayer time! Take a few minutes - you may find what you need!

Seek God's Wisdom
June 18, 2019

We should "Seek His Will" and "Listen to Godly Leaders." This is week three in our summer series "Rooted Principles". Take a few minutes to listen in to this short devotional thought.

God Never Fails
June 11, 2019

Fully trusting in the Lord can be very hard. However, I really want to trust Him. It's a better way! Listen in to this short devotional thought and remember that God Never Fails!