Trainer Talk - The Podcast

Trainer Talk - The Podcast

Podcast Ep85: June 26 2020

June 25, 2020

Lockdown Learnings: this week we get all philosophical and discuss how a triangle can also be a square, what normal people do and the art of applying nail polish. Ginette discusses first world problems while also losing her words and Sharon is getting a new-found loathing for dust. Our Top of Mind Topic is a reflection on what we've learnt during lockdown as the restrictions start to be eased (except in Hardcore Wales naturally). We talk about how people are amazing, resilient and surprised at what they now know they can do. In the Dog-walking Digest, Jem's doing her best to get run over, Sharon's doing her best to stay dry (and failing), Scamp's dragging his heels and Ginette's dreaming of salt and vinegar on chips. There are plenty of Trainer Talk Locals to choose from in July even if you still have to bring your own cake and last but not least, we'd like to you to remember to sound human in your online course videos.
