Trainer Talk - The Podcast

Trainer Talk - The Podcast

Latest Episodes

Podcast Ep116: 26 July 2021
July 29, 2021

It's the Olympic edition! And there's no denying we are demob happy this week - it's the last podcast before the summer break but that doesn't mean we don't have a truckload to talk about! This week w

Podcast Ep115: 19 July 2021
July 22, 2021

Phew what a scorcher! And what a difference a week makes - football anyone?! As we ponder 'Freedom Day' (really?!) and double standards, we also take time to cover mishaps with Zoom meetings and wheth

Podcast Ep114: 12 July 2021
July 15, 2021

It wasn't a great weekend sport-wise, which came at the end of a not-so-great week for Sharon - the house saga continues! Ginette was straightened out at the chiropractor and ran a short but sweet Bus

Podcats Ep113: 5 June 2021
July 08, 2021

This week, sport is (obviously) quite top of mind, but not *the* top of mind of course, which was all about asking how easy we are making it for people to actually book or buy from us. In other news,

Podcast Ep112: 28 June 2021
July 01, 2021

So the prodigal son returns again and Sharon is a happy mummy - especially now she's also been approved for LinkedIn lives! Ginette has a whirlwind of a weekend and we both agree that dog intuition is

Podcast Ep111: 21 June 2021
June 24, 2021

It's a bit all-encompassing this week: football, routine, tennis (obvs), houses, weirdness, chats, travel, gym, birthdays and more. This is all before we get to the Top of Mind Topic, which this week is all about the importance of working with people y...

Podcast Ep110: 14 June 2021
June 17, 2021

This week we definitely, absolutely do not talk about the tennis. And while we're not talking about it, we also cover programmes finishing, the weird time of year, sheep-related drama and a fine discussion about victim mentality.

Podcast Ep109: 8 June 2021
June 10, 2021

There's lots going on this week, what with #wallgate, second jabs and sensing summer. Not mention high drama, judging and business clinics! In Top of Mind, we talk about Experiments and why they're good for business. Is it still only Tuesday?! -

Podcast Ep108: 31 May 2021
June 03, 2021

This week Sharon dodges sheep and Ginette gets a long-awaited hug from a friend. We also see the return of Tennis Talk the Podcast! In Top of Mind Topic we discuss why people don't start or finish courses they buy. #TrainerTalk #FreelanceTrainer

Podcast Ep107: 24 May 2021
May 27, 2021

It's been a jam-packed week for Sharon, with wallgate continuing to be front of mind, while Ginette has had her second jab and an encounter with a daft driver. In the Top of Mind Topic we talk about self-promotion and why it's ok to brag.
