Trainer Talk - The Podcast

Trainer Talk - The Podcast

Podcast Ep82: June 5 2020

June 04, 2020

The Future of Training: this week we go a bit rogue as the conversation meanders all over the place until we arrive at Top of Mind, having already covered most of the other areas (but there's always more to say). Sharon's still in Hardcore Wales and Ginette wants a duvet day. We agree that time is going both quickly and slowly, that you're unlikely to use the word 'bubbly' to describe certain professions and that people will always find a way to do what they want. In Top of Mind (when we eventually get there) we look at how the enforced change in training delivery has helped some people decide they'd really rather not travel anymore thanks, but ultimately we have power over our business, so it's up to us to make it what we want. Later on, we find out that Sharon's got a hurty leg, Jem's plodding, Scamp's off his food (only temporarily, don't panic) and Ginette is trying to work out how to get 83 trainers to all do the same thing at once ... it's going to be fun carnage at Trainer Talk Live - the Virtual Edition!
