Trainer Talk - The Podcast

Trainer Talk - The Podcast

Podcaat Ep78: May 8 2020

May 07, 2020

Boredom - really?! This week we talk about funnels, amazing customer service, rinse and repeat work and things that are big and hairy and scary. Sharon turns into a Welsh Nationalist and Ginette turns into a cynic (granted, not a big stretch there). In Top of Mind, we try to help with ways to not be bored, but considering neither of us has had much chance of that recently, you'll have to be the judge of our advice on that one! In the Dog-walking Digest there's a riot of colour and a disappearing dog to contend with and then we contemplate the forthcoming virtual meetings, including the first ever virtual Trainer Talk Live. Apparently there's one great speaker and some woman who claims to know about online courses ...