Trainer Talk - The Podcast

Trainer Talk - The Podcast

Podcast Ep71: March 20 2020

March 13, 2020

Practical Positivity: as it turns out, we *can* record two podcasts in one week and still have plenty to say ... Sharon gets firm about conspiracy theories and personal responsibilities, while Ginette tries to explain why so many opinions get presented as facts. We discuss the importance of considering your own and others' mental health, which at the moment pretty much means staying off social media for all except essential activities! We also discuss looking for the silver lining - the opportunities that present themselves when things don't go according to plan. Sharon's been Welsh for a month (although it'll be longer by the time you see this), Scamp has an epic daydream (during the podcast) and Ginette wants us to bring in learner experiences and perspectives to online training. And given that we're recording this early, it might all be completely irrelevant by the time it comes to you listening!