Train Your Brain Podcast with Dr. Michael Trayford

Train Your Brain Podcast with Dr. Michael Trayford

Latest Episodes

Ep. 265 – Smart Food: Beans, Beans … Good for More Than Just Your Heart
May 21, 2016

Welcome to the Train Your Brain Podcast! Today Dr. Trayford brings you tip number 265. There is a fantastic article written by Bret S. Stetka, MD called Beans, Greens and the Best Foods for the Brain in July 2015. It … Continue reading →

Ep. 264 – Give Blood
May 20, 2016

Good morning Train Your Brain Podcast listeners! Dr. Trayford and Jason Pyles bring you tip number 264. There are so many benefits to giving blood. Your own blood flows better, you keep your iron levels balanced, and you are 88% … Continue reading →

Ep. 263 – Walk on Cobblestone Streets (or Mats)
May 19, 2016

Good morning Train Your Brain Podcast listeners! Today Dr. Trayford brings you tip number 263 which is to walk on cobblestone streets or even cobblestone mats. Walking on these kinds of uneven surfaces forces your brain to work much harder.

Ep. 262 – Avoid Sleeping in on the Weekend
May 19, 2016

We’re bringing you tip number 262 this morning! Dr. Trayford is your host and Jason Pyles is your producer and the tip for today is to stop robbing Peter to pay Paul when it comes to your sleep! You should … Continue reading →

Ep. 261 – Rearrange Your Furniture
May 17, 2016

Good morning Train Your Brain Podcast listeners! Your host Dr. Trayford and producer Jason Pyles bring you tip number 261 today to help keep your brain sharp. The tip is to rearrange your furniture. Change is good for the brain. … Continue reading →

Ep. 260 – Interview With Kevin Jameson: Founder of The Dementia Society of America
May 16, 2016

Happy Monday Train Your Brain Podcast listeners! We are bringing you another fantastic guest interview today. Dr. Trayford is talking with Kevin Jameson founder of the Dementia Society about this great cause.

Ep. 259 – Shed the Extra Pounds – Your Brain Will Thank You!
May 15, 2016

Good morning Train Your Brain Podcast listeners! Dr. Trayford brings you tip number 259 today and today just might be the day that you are ready to begin a journey to shed the extra pounds. It’s not just about how … Continue reading →

Ep. 258 – Know Your Numbers: Urine Organic Acids
May 14, 2016

Good morning Train Your Brain Podcast listeners! Dr. Trayford always has something interesting to teach us and today is no different! In episode 258 Dr. Trayford tells us some of the many things that doctors can learn from a patient’s … Continue reading →

Ep. 257 – Smart Food: Eggs
May 13, 2016

We have and Egg-straordinary brain training tip for you today! Dr. Trayford shares episode 257 with us and tells us about a very brain-healthy food that we should make sure to include in our diet. Eggs are loaded with protein … Continue reading →

Ep. 256 – Pay it Forward
May 12, 2016

Welcome to Train Your Brain Podcast tip number 256! Today Dr. Trayford brings you a very heart-warming and brain-healthy tip. He simply encourages us to pay it forward. The more you can create connections with your fellow man and spread … Continue read...
