Train Your Brain Podcast with Dr. Michael Trayford

Train Your Brain Podcast with Dr. Michael Trayford

Latest Episodes

Ep. 275 – Create a Dream Board
May 31, 2016

Good morning to all you dreamers out there! Welcome to the Train Your Brain Podcast! Dr. Trayford is here today with tip number 275. It is an inspiring thing to sit down and create a dream board. There is just … Continue reading →

Ep. 274 – Greatest Hit: Our Most Downloaded Episode
May 30, 2016

Happy Monday to our Train Your Brain Podcast listeners! Dr. Trayford is reporting back on our most downloaded episode and so we’re sharing and oldie but a goodie: Episode 001! It is so important to make sure that we know … Continue reading →

Ep. 273 – Know Your Numbers: Sensory Nerve Testing
May 29, 2016

Hello and welcome to the Train Your Brain Podcast! Dr. Trayford is here today with tip number 273. Today’s episode is a know your numbers segment and we’re talking about sensory nerve testing. This is good to get done for … Continue reading →

Ep. 272 – Don’t Roll Your Eyes at Me!
May 28, 2016

Dr. Trayford welcomes you to the Train Your Brain Podcast! Today we have episode number 272 for you with a brand new brain training tip. You can exercise your eyes by moving them to each position on a clock. 12, … Continue reading →

Ep. 271 – Ergonomic Workspace
May 27, 2016

Hello and welcome to the Train Your Brain Podcast! Dr. Trayford is here today as your host with tip number 271. Having a comfortable workspace can help with productivity. So, it is best to design a workspace for yourself that … Continue reading →

Ep. 270 – Free Writing
May 26, 2016

Hello and welcome to the Train Your Brain Podcast! Dr. Trayford is here today with tip number 270. For brain calisthenics and to get the brain going this free writing exercise is golden! You’re brain will be more engaged and … Continue reading →

Ep. 269 – Smart Food: Whole Grains
May 25, 2016

Good morning listeners! Train Your Brain Podcast is here today with a nutrition tip thanks to Dr. Trayford for sharing such great advice. Whole grains are loaded with fiber, B vitamins and antioxidants. As long as they are whole and … Continue reading →

Ep. 268 – Walk Barefoot
May 24, 2016

It’s Tuesday and we’re here with another great Train Your Brain Podcast! Today’s tip is number 268 and it is to walk barefoot. We need to feel our feet on the ground. This helps with the structure of our foot, … Continue reading →

Ep. 267 – Insights on Successful Aging: Interview With Larry, a Lifelong Learner
May 23, 2016

Happy Monday Train Your Brain Podcast listeners! Dr. Trayford is here with a special guest Larry Harden to discuss lifelong learning and Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. Developing Neuro-plasticity will truly enrich your years.

Ep. 266 – De-clutter Your Workspace
May 22, 2016

Happy Sunday Train Your Brain Podcast listeners! Today’s tip is number 266 and it is something that you could do in just a day or two. The tip is to de-clutter your work space. You’ll be able to work so … Continue reading →
