Train Your Brain Podcast with Dr. Michael Trayford

Train Your Brain Podcast with Dr. Michael Trayford

Latest Episodes

Ep. 305 – Smart Food: Kale
June 30, 2016

Today is Episode 305 of the Train Your Brain Podcast. Welcome to our delicious discussion on the many ways to enjoy kale! Kale is a great addition to any diet because it does so much for you! It is nutrient … Continue reading →

Ep. 304 – Dress to Impress
June 29, 2016

Welcome to the Train Your Brain Podcast Episode 304. Today your host Dr. Trayford shares a very positive brain training tip today. People can think more creatively when they are dressed up. The right brain is like the forest and … Continue reading →

Ep. 303 – Streeeetch
June 28, 2016

Welcome to the Train Your Brain Podcast episode 303. Today Dr. Trayford shares a brain training tip to enhance any other exercise-related brain training tip we’ve had yet! Before you can exercise, you need to stretch and before you stretch,

Ep. 302 – Should Diabetes Medications Be Used to Prevent Diseases Like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s?
June 27, 2016

Happy Monday Train Your Brain Podcast listeners! Today we are going to discuss a controversial new treatment plan for the prevention of diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Doctor Trayford explains that doctors are now prescribing diabetes medica...

Ep. 301 – Get Your Bed Away From Outside Walls
June 26, 2016

Welcome to the Train Your Brain Podcast episode 301. Today Dr. Trayford shares a brain training tip will help you sleep better. The tip is to try to move your bed away from the outside wall. Chances are, this allows … Continue reading →

Ep. 300 – Bowl a Perfect Score
June 25, 2016

Welcome to the Train Your Brain Podcast episode 300. Today Dr. Trayford shares a brain training tip that is super fun! Who doesn’t love bowling? Bowling is one of America’s favorite past times, besides watching baseball and eating pie.

Ep. 299 – Standing Gaze Stabilization
June 24, 2016

Train Your Brain Podcast brings you tip number 299. Today’s brain training tip is a great little exercise that you can do with your eyes. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and at arms’ length in front of you … Continue reading →

Ep. 298 – Smart Food: Grass-Fed Beef
June 23, 2016

Your Brain Training coach Dr. Trayford is bringing you tip number 298 today. This is a topic we’ve been hearing a lot about. Of course nutrition is a highly controversial subject, but Dr. Trayford likes to sift through the arguments … Continue reading →

Ep. 297 – A Little Healthy Competition May Make Your Brain Bigger
June 22, 2016

Welcome to the Train Your Brain Podcast! Good morning listeners. Today your host Dr. Trayford brings you tip number 297 to shed a little light on the benefits of a little healthy competition. Where there are more people and competition … Continue readi...

Ep. 296 – Stay Positive Around the Negative
June 21, 2016

Welcome to the Train Your Brain Podcast! Today Dr. Trayford shares Brain Training Tip 296 which is to stay positive. Positive people tend to be healthier people. There definitely is a mind/body connection. Negativity forces our brain into “fear mode” …...
