Train Your Brain Podcast with Dr. Michael Trayford

Train Your Brain Podcast with Dr. Michael Trayford

Latest Episodes

Ep. 205 – Brain calisthenics: Change the shape
March 22, 2016

Good morning and welcome to the Train Your Brain Podcast. Dr. Trayford is here today to share tip number 205. This is a warm up exercise that you can do simply by visualizing. Before having to engage in a challenging … Continue reading →

Ep. 204 – Biomarkers of Concussion, Part II (What you need to know to get past the symptoms of TBI)
March 21, 2016

Good morning dear listeners! Happy Monday and welcome to Episode 204. Today Dr. Trayford continues his discussion of the biomarkers of concussion. There are indicators that doctors to use to measure the effects of a traumatic brain injury and the progr...

Ep. 203 – Brain Calisthenics: 1A, 2B, 3C…
March 20, 2016

Good morning and welcome to the Train Your Brain Podcast. Dr. Trayford is here today to share tip number 203! This is a brain stretching, warm-up activity that you can do prior to a mental task that will require your full,

Ep. 202 – Know Your Numbers: COMT
March 19, 2016

Good morning and welcome to the Train Your Brain Podcast tip number 202! This morning Dr. Trayford talks about genetic testing. With genetic testing it’s important to understand each individual test you get done so that you have a better … Continue rea...

Ep. 201 – Ginseng Makes You Smarter
March 18, 2016

Good morning and welcome to the Train Your Brain Podcast. This morning Dr. Trayford shares brain training tip number 201 which is about Ginseng. Ginseng is a supplement and a lot of of supplements have side effects.

Ep. 200 – Celebrate Your Accomplishments!
March 17, 2016

Good morning and welcome to the Train Your Brain Podcast. This morning Dr. Trayford shares brain training tip 200! This is exciting to be sharing tip number 200! What a great day to talk about celebrating your accomplishments.

Ep. 199 – Cut Back on Your Google Searches for Self-Diagnosis
March 16, 2016

Hello dear Train Your Brain Podcast listeners. This morning Dr. Trayford shares brain training tip 199. Looking up things online and reading up on so much information can increase anxiety. The psychological concentration can lead to physical problems.

Ep. 198 – Bubble Bath Before Bed
March 15, 2016

Good morning and welcome to Train Your Brain Podcast. This morning Dr. Trayford shares brain training tip 198. Taking a bath before bed can help one fall asleep more easily. Water helps soothe vital body functions.

Ep. 197 – Concussion Biomarkers
March 14, 2016

Good morning dear listeners! Happy Monday and welcome to Episode 197, an extended version of Train Your Brain Podcast. Today Dr. Trayford is talking about the Biomarkers of concussion and what you need to know about the symptoms of TBI,

Ep. 196 – Sudoku for Memory and Logic
March 12, 2016

Good morning and welcome to Train Your Brain Podcast. This morning Dr. Trayford shares brain training tip 196. It’s true: playing Sudoku is good for the brain. It actually makes you use different areas of the brain! It helps you … Continue reading →
